- improved Coop vs AI (2011/9-2012/4)
- Leaver warning message (flash UI)
- Child particle
- Kha'zix Evolution UI
- directional on-hit particles
- smoother mouseover outline
2013: ToolCUTS
- Champion CTEG: (-May)
- Quinn
- Lissandra
- ToolCUTS: ( May-)
- fix importIni data
- particle editor in ChampionBuilder
- editing/searching
2014: Moved from ToolCUTS to Champion (Feb)
- CAC & Editor
- take ownership of audio code
- Audio legacy data clean up (FMOD2WWise)
- Waffles: adopt particle
- Viktor evolution UI
- Champions:
- Braum
- Gnar
- Reksai
- Champion:
- Audio debuger in Waffles
- champion alive/zombie/dead state: to fix bad revive/zombie implementation
- improving champion reorganization script
- Bard
- ChampionUpdate:
- Poppy: W: move instigator
- ADC upate: Graves W vision change
- Damage tag/type refactor
- Mage update
- Cass W
- Yorick rework
- W: circle ghoul wall outline
- Assassin update: Talon
- E: parkour wall edge tracking and displaying
- Galio rework
- spline missile
- Evelynn rework
- implement CC state to native C++ code
- global effects for stealthed mode
- LNP network
- assembling/fragmentation/anticheat
- packet policy
- NPC scripts
- wwise upgrade to 2018 version
- item tooltip migration from tra files to GDS data
- continue improving NPCScripts
- Squads Spawning
- predefined squad
- dynamic squad
- Champion only spells targetability, Unit Tag separation
- Designer event with input parameters
- Expansion upon LevelScripts as a feature
- Map Lane Component, Waypoint Rework
- Teamfight Tactics
- mission stats
- customize option menu
- RAM optimization:
- remove unnecessary assets (audio, SFX),
- avoid loading unused item data
- TFT character wizard script
- audio jenkins job optimization/cleanup
- UX structure clean up
- TFT Mobile
- OOG screens, loginqueue, lobby, postgame, settings, loadouts
- make VFX and audio available to OOG screens and support repeated games.
- Continue TFT Mobile
- new ItemShop UI
- move audio localization build to CID, cut fullbuild from 90 to 30 min, average 4-10min
- arena board local theme music
- RE MapMountain improvements: MapMotionPath, MapAudio, MapThemeMusic, MapActionCyclePropAnimation, MapActionCycleMapParticle
- added memory budget CID tasks: TFTCharacter, TFTArenaSkin + TFTDamageSkin
- TFT memory usage investigation
- Audio Build maintainance: configure audio build with a regex set
- Set 5 UI: Armory UI, Item Codex UI
- update Riot SDK for TFT Mobile
- AssetBrowser
- HexBattle arena board: new material driver to get owner placement, create hologram clone without locomotion.
- Urgency: update OpenSSL
- memory profiling: change TFTCharacters CID to TFTCharacterSet
- AncientDragon: Contextual clicking, new conditional animation checking owner's level.
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